Presentation: Architecting Solutions with WPF at the Sydney Architecture User Group

This is an old post and doesn't necessarily reflect my current thinking on a topic, and some links or images may not work. The text is preserved here for posterity.

On Thursday, 25th of February, I gave a talk at the Sydney Architecture User Group. The topic was things architects and lead developers should consider when building applications that use WPF.


.NET 4.0 will mark the fourth release of Windows Presentation Foundation, and the take up continues to rise as the platform matures. For architects, such a new technology means a new set of patterns, approaches and trade-offs that we need to understand when designing solutions. In this session, Paul will lead you on a guided tour of the WPF client application problem space. We will look at patterns for presentation, composition, navigation, and communication needs, as well as resource management, localization, and performance. We will also look at strategies for enforcing UI standards, maximising code leverage, and handling cross-cutting concerns. Bring questions!

More details are at the Sydney Architecture User Group website.

This was a code-free presentation, but here are the slides:

Nice to see so many new and old faces at the event.