Magellan Diagnostics

This is an old post and doesn't necessarily reflect my current thinking on a topic, and some links or images may not work. The text is preserved here for posterity.

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Magellan makes use of TraceSources internally for providing diagnostic information. By default nothing is traced, but you can configure the trace sources to see details.

Configuring the trace sources can be done through the application configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <source name="Magellan" switchValue="Verbose">
          <clear />
          <add name="Console" type="System.Diagnostics.ConsoleTraceListener" />

Or through code, for example, in the App.xaml code behind:

Magellan.Diagnostics.TraceSources.MagellanSource.Switch.Level = SourceLevels.Verbose;

Here is an example of what is logged at the Information level:

Magellan Information: 0 : The Navigator is executing the request 'Controller=Home; Action=Home; RequestID=6ce8e373-f2d9-48d0-b1c2-9438094feeaf'.
Magellan Information: 0 : Controller 'iPhone.Applications.Home.Controllers.HomeController' is executing request 'Controller=Home; Action=Home; RequestID=6ce8e373-f2d9-48d0-b1c2-9438094feeaf'.
Magellan Information: 0 : The PageViewEngine is rendering the page 'iPhone.Applications.Home.Views.HomeView'.
Magellan Information: 0 : Request completed: 'Controller=Home; Action=Home; RequestID=6ce8e373-f2d9-48d0-b1c2-9438094feeaf'.

Here is what is logged at the Verbose level:

Magellan Information: 0 : The Navigator is executing the request 'Controller=Home; Action=Home; RequestID=2704ddc6-0dca-412f-88fc-b08a008ee586'.
Magellan Verbose: 0 : Resolving controller 'Home' for request 'Controller=Home; Action=Home; RequestID=2704ddc6-0dca-412f-88fc-b08a008ee586'
Magellan Information: 0 : Controller 'iPhone.Applications.Home.Controllers.HomeController' is executing request 'Controller=Home; Action=Home; RequestID=2704ddc6-0dca-412f-88fc-b08a008ee586'.
Magellan Verbose: 0 : DefaultActionInvoker found the action 'Home' as method 'Magellan.Framework.ActionResult Home()'
Magellan Verbose: 0 : DefaultActionInvoker found the following action filters for action 'Home': ''.
Magellan Verbose: 0 : DefaultActionInvoker found the following result filters for action 'Home': ''.
Magellan Verbose: 0 : The ViewEngineCollection is consulting the view engine 'Magellan.Framework.PageViewEngine' for the view 'Home'.
Magellan Information: 0 : The PageViewEngine is rendering the page 'iPhone.Applications.Home.Views.HomeView'.
Magellan Verbose: 0 : The PageViewEngine has navigated to the page 'iPhone.Applications.Home.Views.HomeView'.
Magellan Verbose: 0 : The PageViewEngine is clearing the navigation history.
Magellan Information: 0 : Request completed: 'Controller=Home; Action=Home; RequestID=2704ddc6-0dca-412f-88fc-b08a008ee586'.

The Warning and Error levels are rarely used - warning is used when Magellan decides on a course of action that is potentially incorrect, and errors are usually logged before an exception is thrown.

See also:

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