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Windows Presentation Foundation
1 min read

Windows Presentation Foundation

This is an old post and doesn't necessarily reflect my current thinking on a topic, and some links or images may not work. The text is preserved here for posterity.

Windows Presentation Foundation is the next generation framework for building desktop Windows applications. I have been working with WPF since 2006, and I have written a number of articles on the subject.


Change Management

Often we want a way to tell whether the user has made changes to data in the UI. Here are some different strategies for dealing with that:

General Tips



Paul Stovell's Blog

Hello, I'm Paul Stovell

I'm a Brisbane-based software developer, and founder of Octopus Deploy, a DevOps automation software company. This is my personal blog where I write about my journey with Octopus and software development.

I write new blog posts about once a month. Subscribe and I'll send you an email when I publish something new.

